Behind the Scenes - Synergistic Retailers
Throughout Muskegon, but especially concentrated in the downtown and Lakeside areas, are a number of specialty retailers that stand out with their unique, one of a kind, products and services. Realizing their connection, these retailers have begun to increasingly cooperate to get the word out about their offerings. One of their efforts will take place this Friday and Saturday, November 9 and 10, with an event called "Wrap It Up". This event could be your first (and last!!) day of this year's Holiday Shopping Season. Participating retailers will be decked out and will have all of their holiday inventory ready to go. We chatted with Brenda Moore, from the Clay Avenue Cellars about the new excitement retailers are feeling and some details on the upcoming event.
MS: How did you get involved in forming this “Synergy” group that is making connections with the goal of Muskegon specialty shopping being the only kind of shopping necessary?
BM: There are several shop keepers who helped fine-tune what we are doing, but I think the “tipping point” for me to take action was the repeated question from summer visitors: “where are the specialty shops?”. Since many of these neat places are scattered throughout the city it seemed appropriate to pull us together in spirit.
MS: What events/initiatives have led to the point the group is at now?
BM: A key thing we promised one another is to cross promote—if only to mention other specialty businesses to our customers and keep each other in mind as we see opportunities arise. More specifically, we have pooled talents and funds to develop joint marketing strategies, printed materials, and promotional ideas.
MS: How do you see the future of specialty retailing in the Muskegon market into the future?
BM: It will absolutely be a critical part of the city’s economy—individual, independent retailers bringing their unique flare to help mold local character. With us working together, and hopefully recruiting more small businesses to join us, our ability to affect change is much greater than if we worked individually.
MS: Tell us some more about "Wrap It Up" and the fun that is in store for the early shopping birds this holiday season?
BM: We have such a fun bunch of attentive shopkeepers! Each of the 14 participating shops are doing something special with decorations, “nibbles” and prizes. We estimated a minimum of $2,000 in prizes to be given away among us. In addition to offering gifts you cannot find elsewhere, we can pamper, help, and entertain in ways unknown in national chains.
MS: What kind of future activities do you see Synergy undertaking?
BM: Continued cross promotion and joint special events. Dovetailing with local festivals to enhance the local experience. Being ambassadors for other shops, city tourist attractions, local eateries and pubs. There are many well kept secrets in the city and we hope to tell them!
MS: The new specialty retail businesses and the focus on unique, quality products is fantastic. Thanks for your initiative to get things rolling with the winery and with the promotional efforts on behalf of Synergy.
BM: Thanks also for Main Street's help. Stay tuned and please let other specialty shops know they are welcomed to join—this is very much an evolving effort.
Late Breaking News: Jilly's, one of the Synergy shops will be open at their new location at 471 W. Western in time for Wrap it Up. Just another reason to come check it out.
Check it out on the web
Full Wrap It UP details, including a map and list of businesses involved.
Note: The November 15 Salon Thursday event at the Muskegon Museum of Art was canceled.
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