Monday, October 22, 2007

Behind the Scenes - Downtown Art Update

As downtown Muskegon transitions back to a pedestrian oriented street grid with attractive buildings housing retail activity, another component of the revitalization plan is to create a city of great art. This fall has seen the beginning of that renaissance with the move of a landmark piece of art to the former mall site, and that artistic influence will grow over the next year as additional work is undertaken to make Muskegon a center for public art.

Unbeknownst to many, there is a Downtown Art Committee that meets monthly. It is made up of representation from public and private members, and has a plan to complete this transformation. The chair of the Arts Committee is Pat Johnson, President Emeritus of the Community Foundation for Muskegon County, and Main Street spent a few minutes with Pat getting caught up on the vision and the plan to carry that vision through.

MS: Before we get into the details let’s start with some background. Where did a focus on art in the new downtown begin?

PJ: Art has always been a focus in Muskegon’s downtown, with some great public art on display already for years, and with a wonderful resource in the Muskegon Museum of Art (MMA). The more recent focus on public art was really enforced by the Imagine Muskegon process which mentioned “reintroducing art” as a goal.

MS: And when did the art committee begin meeting and how was a “plan” put in place?

PJ: The committee began meeting about two years ago as it became certain the street grid was going to be restored, and the park/plaza areas on the former mall site were decided. With the basic street plan in place the committee, with the financial help of the Alcoa Foundation, engaged Flies & Vandenbrink to develop a plan (click photo at right to see a fullsize version of the Third and Western plan) that included art in the public spaces. An inventory of the public art currently in the downtown was completed and pieces that would make sense to move, or new pieces that would complete the downtown collection, were identified.

MS: And I am guessing that the inventorying/moving process resulted in the piece of art that is now in front of the downtown Post Office? Could you tell us a bit about that piece of art and the vision for the space in front of the post office?

PJ: That is correct. At the request of my husband Chuck, the SPX Corporation generously donated the “Sculpture with Stars” by James Clover to the Community Foundation, allowing it to be moved. In addition the cost of refurbishing and moving is being paid for by Chris Kearney, the SPX CEO, and Patrick O’Leary, the CFO. The sculpture will be part of what is tentatively named “Celebration Park” and will be almost a quarter acre park with a children’s water fountain (also to be paid for by the Alcoa Foundation), and other features still being planned.

MS: I understand some more installations of note will take place in the near future. . . . What can folks expect to see take place next?

PJ: A number of pieces are in the works. Upon seeing the plan for the streets, including the round-a-bout, the Arts Committee decided they wanted an artist of national reputation to place a piece in the center of the round-a-bout . One artist that immediately came to mind was Richard Hunt, who had previously had an exhibit at the former C. Corcoran Tuttle Gallery. Hunt also has a sculpture in the MMA permanent sculpture collection. Contact was made, Judy Hayner and I visited his Benton Harbor gallery (he also has a gallery in Chicago), he submitted a proposal, the committee accepted, work commenced, and the unveiling of Richard’s large bronze sculpture is set for June 13, 2008, the day before the MMA’s annual gala. Financial support for this piece is coming from the Alcoa Foundation, my husband Chuck and I, Tom, Julie, and John Tuttle, and the State of Michigan Cool Cities grant.

Another exciting work of art will be a life size statue of Charles Hackly. This idea originated with Peter Turner, who is also the major donor to this project. This piece will be placed at the corner of Third and Clay facing Hackley Park. John McGarry, a member of the committee, is seeking qualified bronze sculptors and will be recommending candidates.

MS: How are you engaging community support and participationin this process? Are there ways those interested in a downtown with great art can participate?

PJ: Local donors have been most generous but we will be seeking additional funds as new projects are identified. We are currently working with Mary Kendall, of the Women’s Division of the Chamber of Commerce, to develop the Celebration Park. We are also looking for ways to involve local sculptors as the project evolves.

MS: Well, it is definitely true that art plays an important part of the social capital of a community and downtowns, which serve as gathering places for all residents, are fantastic places to inspire with public art. Thanks for your work for our community and for filling us in today.

PJ: My pleasure.

The top and bottom photos are of Richard Hunt Public art installations that can be viewed on his website listed below.

Check it out on the web

James Clover
Richard Hunt website
Alcoa Foundation
Muskegon Museum of Art


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