Behind the Scenes - 3rd St. Mini-Make-over
The Third St corridor has long been downtown’s edgier district with the Orphanage Tatoo Parlor and the Icepick being the mainstays. Over the last two years two new retail shops, Positiv-i-Teas and Valy Oriental Market, have added some flavor to the mix, and plans for more shops and restaurants are in the works. The corridor also got a mini make-over this summer with new streetscape furniture and planters, thanks, in large part, to a grant from the Community Foundation for Muskegon County. The improvements have considerably improved the appearance of the corridor. Tim Burgess, of Neighborhood Investment Corporation, gave Muskegon Main Street the inside scoop and the a hint of the vision of the future.
MS: What do you like about hanging out everyday on the Third Street corridor?
TB: Third Street is the embodiment of the changing atmosphere in Muskegon. We have foot traffic from residents from the neighborhood as well as those visiting some of the businesses. It is amazing how much the area has brightened in the last few years. We have two restaurants in the process of renovation and several apartments have been improved brinig the college age demographic downtown. Nga’s and Kim’s shops keep the foot traffic going. Coupled with our ongoing efforts to improve the neighborhood’s housing stock, it really makes it exciting to work here.
MS: Any other insight into businesses coming to Third that you can share with us?
TB: Third Street is the natural extension of downtown leading into the residential area surrounding downtown Muskegon. With the development of downtown Muskegon, this neighborhood will become even more attractive to those wishing to live close to work. As downtown develops, Third Street will again flourish.
MS: How does the mini-makeover help move Third St to reclaiming that neighborhood business district feel it is shooting for?
TB: Investment of this nature shows that this area is worth a look. Façade grants from Main Street have improved the look of the businesses. The trash receptacles have already made an impact. The seating makes the area look inviting. The planters lead a path directly to the downtown area.
MS: Tell us a little bit about NIC and how your organization's work to improve downtown Muskegon?
TB: NIC strives to assist anyone interested in housing in Greater Muskegon. We provide homeownership education classes and counseling to those starting their journey, housing rehab assistance to those close to purchase, and continuing services to those who own a home.
MS: Well, thanks for taking the time and best of luck with the Home Improvements!
TB: Thanks, Dan. If all of us keep doing what we’ve been doing, others will notice the difference.
Check it out on the web
Neighborhood Investment Corporation
Downtown Muskegon living opportunities, including NIC's offerings