Monday, April 16, 2007

Behind the Scenes - Cheese Lady Plans Shop Opening

The keen observer driving around downtown these days is noticing a lot of signs of things to come. Pictures of renderings, buildings half built, scaffolding, plywood in window etc. Instead of boring you where each project is at just remember this. By the middle of summer 07 at least 5 new establishments will be up and running and open to the public. Hot Rod Harley, Sun Wind & Rain, the Spotlight, Hegg's Furniture, and The Cheese Lady are sure things. Today we caught up with Kathleen Riegler, the Cheese Lady, to see where things are at with her planned opening.

MS: You must be enjoying the cheese business as you are growing from your Farmer’s Market location to a new home at 197 W. Clay. Tell us about it.

KR: I'm a turophile, a lover of cheese. And I am very excited about the new downtown location but take note, I will still be at the Farmers' Market. The downtown location will give me some new opportunities and a year-round location.

MS: And downtown made a natural fit, given that most people already meet you down here?

KR: Downtown Muskegon is the most centrally located space. My customers come from Muskegon, Grand Haven, Whitehall, Fremont and beyond. I love being downtown, always have. I love the memories of the old bus arcade and other areas from my childhood. I want people to have the same good feelings again. I want to be a “place people like to be” kind of destination.

MS: What kind of different things will you be able to do with a stable location? Any new products, etc you plan to add?

KR: At the Market it gets so busy that I forget to mention the estate, organic, extra virgin olive oils or the crusty French bread. I often recommend jams or nuts or dried fruits with cheese, and in the shop it will be a slower, easier pace. Also with so much visible cooler space I will be able to offer even more choices of cheese, pate' and sausage. I will stock some quick lunch items like yogurt and juice, too. Long term we hope to add a wine selection but that is for the future.

MS: I love cheese, and am pretty excited about dropping in on my way home for a taste that fits the day and mood. What is it about cheese that makes it stand out on the culinary scene?

KR: As my good friend in St. Louis says, “Isn't it amazing what they can do with milk!?!” Cheese is a food that can fit almost everyone's taste. Strong or mild, creamy or hard, cow or goat or sheep make up the most interesting snacking and cooking flavors.
Do you have a favorite? This week I do and it's called PIAVE VECCHIO, from Northern Italy and very hard but next week . . .

MS: Well, I know you have a great website where folks can keep up with you. Tell us how to get there and what we’ll find.

KR: I learned early on that I love cheese more than computers, I'm at I do list the available cheeses, short definitions and my Cheese Lady letters are archived.

MS: Well thanks for letting us take up some of precious time as I am sure you are crazy busy as you prepare for that first big week in May.

KR: The Farmers' Market opens on May 5. The Cheese Lady shop is planning to open on the 10th Of May, barring setbacks. It has been busy and exciting and scary. But I'm up for it and I look forward to seeing old friends and new faces. Thanks.

Check it out on the web
Cheese Lady website
Muskegon Farmer's Market



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